Room 27 4 - 6 years

We are very excited to have and your child become a part of our UDC family! Please find a copy of your child’s rooms daily routine below so you will know how our day works as well as a list of things your child will need.

It is the goal of an Early Childhood Educator to help your child develop their prosocial skills. These skills are necessary for success in life and include problem solving, expressing emotions, managing emotions, impulse control, and empathy. We also focus on self help skills and support your child’s emerging independence.

It is also one of our goals to try to maintain a homelike environment at the centre. We treat each child as an individual and everyone who attends as belonging to our daycare family. We speak often of each child’s home family and like to display family photos in our rooms for your child to share with others. This helps to instill a sense of pride and comfort throughout the day.

At UDC we promote creativity and exploration through play and achieve this by planning developmentally appropriate activities. Your child will have the opportunity everyday to participate in creative and often messy activities such as painting, water play, and sensory play so never expect to see a clean child at the end of the day. We also promote dramatic play, block play, music, manipulative toys, reading and quiet play. A good variety of activities are available indoors and out!

Your child will need

  • A lunch bag (some families like to pack 2 two bags one for lunch and one for snack, or some families will label what to offer when. It is also perfectly acceptable to let your child choose) Please refrain from sending chips, pop or candy as we like to promote healthy eating at the centre.
  • cutlery and dishes as needed for food items packed
  • a thermos as needed to keep food warm
  • an ice pack as needed to keep food cool
  • A blanket to be left at the daycare (for nap time)
  • A family photo (or photocopy) to be displayed in our room. An ecopy can also be emailed to the centre and we will print it for display
  • diapers/ pull ups (with Velcro closures) if your child is not toilet trained. A hearty supply can be left in their locker (you will be notified when more are needed)
  • a box of wipes (you will be notified when more are needed)
  • a bag or back pack left in their locker with several changes of clothing (underclothing, socks, pants, shirts)
  • Easy to pull up and down pants (when toilet learning)
  • 1 pair of shoes for indoor use only
  • Appropriate footwear and outerwear for the season/ weather
    • Winter – warm boots, warm parka and ski pants, toques, scarf and water proof mittens
    • Spring/Fall– rubber boots, rain jacket or windbreaker, splash pants
    • Summer – outdoor runners no flip flops or fashion sandals are permitted. Your child will also need a bathing suit (swimmer style diapers if needed) and towel to be left at the centre for the summer for water play


8:45am – 9:00am
Morning snack

9:00am – 10:30am
Oh Canada/Story/ Circle time7:00, Daycare opens, staggered arrivals,  Planned/ Art Activities/ Free Play

10:30am – 11:30am
Outdoor Play(weather permitting)

11:30am – 11:45pm
Staff#1-Story, -Staff#2-Set up tables for lunch

11:45am – 12:30pm
Lunch, Bathroom, Quiet Activities (Books & Puzzles)

12:30pm – 2:00pm
Rest Time (Children not sleeping have quiet table activities)

2:00pm – 3:00pm
Planned activity/ Free play

3:00pm – 3:30pm
Snack Time

3:30pm – 5:00pm
Outside Time

5:00 – 6:00pm
Free Play

Daycare closes at 6pm

Our program is designed to foster and enhance the appreciation of our multi-cultural society. Our mission is to provide an environment for the children that is safe as well as stimulating for their social, emotional, cognitive, creative and physical development. We strive to provide each child’s self-confidence, independence and sense of pride in them as well in each individual’s culture!





